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8 Marketing Trends That Will Define 2017

8 Marketing Trends That Will Define 2017

At its core, marketing is a form of communicating with consumers in the hopes of selling them a product or service. However, it’s often a complicated dance of finding new and exciting ways to entice customers. In this social-media-dominated world, the choreography is...
Be Bold

Be Bold

Be brave with design. Don’t just follow the crowd or stay with something safe. Create something unique and inspirational. When creating a new logo for a business it’s about creating a look which will translate what you want your brand to be. Is you brand...
Repeat designs

Repeat designs

Repetitive design works really well in certain forms of marketing. It can be a striking way to add interest to a brochure or business card and is often overlooked instead, for a fuss free design. Take inspiration from wallpaper, gift wrap and if you see something you...
Thinking Back

Thinking Back

Those times to reminisce of moments captured in life. Looking forward to the future and the new memories created. The past gave you experience and the present brings excitement. Challenge yourself today; Do you love your job? Are you happy in life? Have you succeeded...